Friday 11 March 2011

SWIFT- Performing arts fairy tale performances

Today we saw the the performing arts group perform their own interpretations of modern fairy tails. The first performance was of the Golden Goose story. It had a wealthy man and a wife with 3 sons and there was a strange old man. The third and youngest son was disliked by his family because he is the youngest.
William came across the weird old man in the forest when he was chopping down wood. He let him have some cake and water. As a reward for letting him have some cake he gave William a scarf. When people saw the scarf they all fell in love with it. The scarf brings him good luck. He manages to make a princess laugh, so that meant he could marry her. They all acted very well, especial Ryan as he did a really good job of his part and he played out the creepy man really well.

The second performance was of Hansel and Gretel. They were in court with judge judy. They were in court for vandalism for eating her house. Hansel and Gretel were portrayed as chavs. This was my favourite performance as it was really funny. The people who played Hansel and Gretel performed their parts extremely well but the person playing their defence didn't  project her voice very well but the performance in general were really good.

The last performance was of Cinderella. They didn't change much of the plot but they changed the Prince and the Fairy God Mother's character. They could have done more to change it more as the last 2 performances were a lot different to the original fairy tale. I liked the Princes character, she was my favourite character in the performance even though she didn't say much.

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